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Introducing Your Older Dog To The New Puppy

Introducing your older dog to the new puppy doesn’t have to be stressful. This course will teach you the right and wrong way to introduce your canine buddies to one another safely and calmly.
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What's included?

  • Written Instructional Handouts
  • Virtual One-On-One Session
  • Online Support

Set-ups for Safe Interaction

You will learn what to do and, just as importantly, what not to do while introducing your older dog to the new puppy.  Doing the wrong thing can cause the older dog to resent the new puppy making it harder to create peace and harmony.

Learn How To Read Body Language

 You will learn how to recognize when your older dog is becoming stressed by the young puppy's energy and what to do to calm the situation before disaster strikes.

Meet the instructor

Penny DiLoreto, CPDT-KA

Hi.  I'm so happy you're here.  I am a graduate of Animal Behavior College and have been working with dogs and their humans for over 12 years.  I opened my first training business out of my home in 2009, and as my clients continued to grow, I moved my business out of my house and into a brick-and-mortar location K9 Resort and Spa, in 2012.  More recently, I have expanded my services to include virtual and online training classes and started TLAD (Think Like A Dog) University; as you can hopefully tell, I am not some Johnny Come Lately, TV trainer.  I use sound positive reinforcement techniques and get the results you and your dog deserve.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Course Lessons

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