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Resource Guarding
Barking, growling, or biting to convience others to stay away from the thing he considers valuable, a toy, food, or his favorite spot on the couch.
What's included?
4 - 1 HR Virtual Sessions
Online Training Videos
Written instruction Handouts
Online Support
Resource Guarding
It can be alarming when your usually sweet, well-behaved dog suddenly starts growling when you approach his food bowl. This course will help you learn what to do and what not to do to overcome this unwanted behavior.
Personal brand
There are many things to consider when faced with a dog that suddenly shows signs of Resource Guarding. This course will show you how to create a positive emotional link break the cycle of resource guarding.
Meet the instructor
Penny DiLoreto, CPDT-KA
Graduate of Animal Behavior Collage, veterinary assistant, author, and owner of K9 Resort and Spa / TLAD University, Penny has been helping dog lovers develop a stronger bond with the K9 buddy through positive reinforcement training methods for over 15 years.